The Federal, State, & Local Governments are pushing to have more and more individuals file on-line.
In 2018, libraries received a letter from the IRS stating that the Federal Government will severely limit the number of hard copy and instruction booklets libraries may request for public access. Our supply of Federal forms are on a first come, first served basis.
HOWEVER, our YPL staff will be glad to help you find and print general and specialty tax forms or you at the circulation desk ($ 0.25 per page printing fee will be applied)
Or you can USE THE LINKS (right) to have 1. Federal and State Forms mailed directly to you (or print them from home). 2. Local tax forms should be mailed to you but an on-line link is provided (right).
Information about VITA (free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) for the elderly is below.
Federal Tax Forms: 1. Order forms & instruction booklets that you need online (under the "Forms & Publications" tab). 2. Order forms & instruction booklets by phone at: 1-800-829-3676.
State Tax Forms: 1. Special State forms and/or instruction booklets can be printed at 2. Order forms by phone at: 1-888-PATAXES (1-888-728-2937).
Local Tax Forms: 1. Local tax forms should be mailed directly to you (no blank forms are sent to libraries).
2. To print local forms or if you have questions use the "Local Forms" link (Berkheimer site).
*Important IRS notification regarding 2022 Tax Forms from the IRS website: 1. As was the case last year, for Tax Year 2022, you will no longer use Form 1040A or Form 1040 EZ 2. Instead you will use the redesigned Form 1040 (redesigned in 2018). 3. Many people will only need to file Form 1040 and no schedules. 4. However, if your return is more complicated (for example you claim certain deductions or credits, or owe additional taxes) you will need to complete one or more of the newer Form 1040 Schedules. (new as of 2018) 5. Individuals who filed their federal tax return electronically last year may not notice any changes, as the tax return preparation software will automatically use their answers to the tax questions to complete the Form 1040 and any needed schedules.
To link directly to the new federal form(s), instructions, and related information use this link: New IRS Forms.
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) for the elderly is only available through the Allegheny Community Senior Center this year, 2024. Members of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to meet with Seniors in person this year VITA has created a modified system to assist as many seniors as possible with their taxes. Interested persons must pick up a VITA tax form envelope, 2023 Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet, and instruction paper at the Senior Center (42 Clark Street, Warren, PA). Youngsville Library does have a limited number of these special envelopes, Intake/Interview Sheets, and instruction papers on-site.
Questions contact: Allegheny Community Center at 814-723-4180 or 814-723-3237. Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4 pm.