Youngsville Public Library Fundraiser Order NOW - September 30, 2021
Fall planting, for spring blooming
Pick-up date: starts Monday, October 11, 2021 (Columbus Day)
every premium bulb guaranteed to grow or you get a free replacement from the company!
18 floral options to choose from! 17 of 18 options cost only $10 each see all 18 options below
4 Ways to order:
(1) At Youngsville Public Library during business hours* (Monday and Wednesday Noon - 6 pm & Fri Noon - 4 pm)
(2) From a YPL Board Trustee or Friends of YPL member*
(3) Mail-in order form to Youngsville Library (mail-in form found below) mailed-in orders must be received by Sept 30th at YPL, either by postal service or via our drop-box, open 24-7 to avoid paying shipping costs
(4) order on-line using the special YPL fundraising/dutch bulb link below (see notes):
(note:on-line orders (a) accept credit cards only (b) will charge a shipping fee (c) will ship to your home directly, (d) the "bargain option" listed as "the Works" (76 assorted bulbs for only $30) is not available as on-line purchase, & (e) you can place on-line orders until Dec 1st and still help YPL provided you use the special link above) * No additional shipping charges when you order with options 1, 2, or 3 (above) as bulb pick-up is at YPL
Printable fall bulb order form below - can mail in or place in our drop box